Raw HTML Addon

This is a powerful addon for add directly HTML code into page builder. Code as table, lists, cards or other from bootstrap or you own code.

Default Table

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Dark Table

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Active Item List

  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • A simple primary list group item
  • A simple secondary list group item
  • A simple success list group item
  • A simple danger list group item
  • A simple warning list group item
  • A simple info list group item
  • A simple light list group item
  • A simple dark list group item

List Contextual Classes

  • Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • A simple primary list group item
  • A simple secondary list group item
  • A simple success list group item
  • A simple danger list group item
  • A simple warning list group item
  • A simple info list group item
  • A simple light list group item
  • A simple dark list group item

Card Left Alignment

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Go somewhere

Card Center Alignment

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Go somewhere

Card Right Alignment

With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Go somewhere

Select Color

Header Versions

See Main Features

Template Preview Panel

Reset Options