Built With Smart Modules

Our 3 modules, in addition to their individual options, give you the possibility to configure each part (image size, title, information, description, categories, tags, filters, columns) of the primary and secondary items independently, and configure how it will look on each device gives you unlimited possibilities, and as if that were not enough, at GoodNews we have created 8 styles compatible with the 3 modules.

Articles Carousel


Articles Pro


Articles Tabs


Used Technologies

GoodNews is built with modern, solid technologies developed by serious companies to ensure that your site works perfectly today and in the future.

Helix Ultimate 2

Helix Ultimate 2 is the latest and best template framework for Joomla. It’s a user-friendly, modern, and highly customizable. Add, revome, reorder and configure each part of your site.

SP Page Builder

With its live editor, section options, advanced column control for each device, and its more than 63 addons together with our modules allow you to create complex Homes.

Bootstrap 5

We use Bootstrap to create responsive Mobile-first sites. The most popular framework in the world with new technologies such as HTML5, Sass and powerful JavaScript plugins.

Prebuil Websites

GoodNews is ready to create newspaper, magazine or simple blog sites, to prove it we have created 8 pre-built sites ready to use and it is included in the Quickstart Package.

Make Money

In GoodNews we have added strategic positions in the hottest areas so you can publish ads and earn money, these ads can be managed by Joomla components from external providers such as Google Adsense or others.

General Positions

They are available for all components and are in the Header, Before Component, Content Top, Content Bottom, After Component, Left and Right.

In Categories

In the article list you can publish ads in the Insidelists position after the number of article rows you want in each device

Module positions

In Single Article

Publish your ad of any format in the Insidearticle position, this position is shown in the text, after the intro, the hottest area.

In SP Page Builder

Within SP Page Builder you can publish your ad of any format anywhere using the HTML addon or Joomla Module.

Unique Dark Mode

Enable dark mode for your entire site or just the template styles you want

Customizable Colors

Dark mode inherits the primary color from your template style, and will match your Helix color preset perfectly. But if you want to customize, just change CSS variables values directly in custom.css to dont lose your colors in updates.

Remember Preference

The selector saves the user's choice of either dark or light mode, to load it on subsequent visits from the same browser.

Dark mode

Authors List

Create a page to showcase your authors using Joomla core, with links to the individual author page.

Author Page

Displays author details and all of their latest articles with pagination or a specified number of articles.

Category Styles

We've enhanced Joomla Articles with 8 selectable styles, image creation capabilities, options to each device, etc

Article Styles

8 unique styles inherited from the category, with the possibility to publish modules and ads in the content.

Header Styles

GoodNews has 8 header styles that you can select with a click from the template styles. And if you don't like them, you can create your own using Helix Ultimate's Layout Builder.


Customizing the prebuilt Websites or creating your own version is easy with this template, you just have to select your preferences according to your needs.


8 predefined colors, but you can select your own colors for top bar, header, menu, body, footer, links, text and headings from the template options.


From the template styles you can modify the layout for the entire site or for a single page, customize your error or coming soon pages and more


GoodNews comes with many styles, header styles, title styles, categories styles, articles styles, and modules styles, which are selectable and easy to use.

fas fa-crop-alt

Smart Images

Were you wasting time creating images of different sizes for your news site? Forget about it, we have integrated image creation into the modules and the blog, you just have to enter the width and height and only the necessary images will be created, without destroying the original and with optimized quality without losses.


Are you worried about storing unnecessary images? For this we have created a button to clean non-permanent images in the modules.

Joomla Core

If you don't like creating images and prefer to continue using the traditional Joomla way, in the modules and blogs settings select From Article and everyone is happy.

Easy to Setup

Having your news website ready on the internet is so easy that only 3 steps are enough.


Install Demo

Install the quick start package included in the file to download after purchasing.

Select Version

Convert as default your preferred home version with a single click.

Fill Your Data

Add content using live page builder or your preferred extension.

Warranty Reasons

Above we have mentioned only the main features of this template, now we give you some reasons that guarantee the product now and in the future.


By thousands satisfied customers so far, and still growing day by day...


We include updated packages of the extensions used in the template.


Our documentation is detailed, well organized and easy of understand.

Dedicated Support

We answer your queries immediately when they arrive at our inbox.

Sticky Sidebar!

This template features the Sticky Sidebar feature, which is essential for news sites like this one, to display relevant content in the visible parts. It can be activated and deactivated for both the left and right sidebar.

Now yes, Enjoy!


About Us

Praesentium eum architecto. Qui cumque quo autem enim et neque sed. Repudiandae dolorem dolor aliquam itaque placeat quia sunt odit ut. Perferendis libero optio reiciendis facilis ut minima. Quia voluptas molestiae. Vero voluptates et sunt qui animi dignissimos dolorem et quis.



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